14 June 2015

I wander why

Clicky click below !

Top: Ladakh
Shorts: Forever New
Shoes: 'Slick' Tony Bianco
Necklaces: House of Harlow

Hello June :)
Here's a little story about this set of photos (thanks to my lovely bestie Tiffany Turtle for stomping around plants in the heat and taking photos of me haha). Flashback to Melbourne in the Summer of 2015 where the sunflower patch in the CBD was all the rage. Little Jenny had been stalking these lovely flowers on Instagram for the past couple of months and had been so excited to finally go and see them for herself. So Tiffany and her spent a good half hour trekking around a garden in a part of the CBD that we'd never even been to. Every now again one of them would shout out 'Oh I think I see yellow things! I think I see long leafy stalks! Are those the sunflowers over there?' No. No. And no. Were the answers. When they finally made it to the patch (through excessive stalking on Instagram and matching the background building locations), they saw these horrid tall leafy stems with big black dead sunflowers hanging from them. ARGH.

Moral of the story is, life never goes the way you plan it. But sometimes it turns out pretty alright anyway (how cute are these little poppets all around me). The reason why I suddenly went from dead sunflowers, to life lessons is cos I saw this quote on tumblr yesterday that completely matched my life situation right now.

"Nothing will ruin your 20s more than thinking you should have your life together already"

How. True. Is. This. That made something in your brain go *ping* as well right!? 
This whole year I've been feeling so overwhelmed, inadequate, out of place and just discontent with my life. I've been feeling stressed out of my mind with all the responsibilities of school and work and having them clash together constantly. And when I sit down and actually think about it, none of these things actually make me happy, even after completing the task and moving the next step forward, because I don't feel like I'm necessarily moving forward in the direction I want to.

I always thought I would 'have my life together' when I hit 20. It felt....so old. Now that it's June, and it's my last month before I hit the big 21 (oh gosh) I'm beginning to realise more and more that your 20's is a time for exploring, new experiences, finding yourself, being selfish, learning about yourself and looking after yourself, it's the best time to live your life. Whether that be making mistakes, leaving something or someone that doesn't have a positive influence on your life, buying a one way ticket and going travelling by yourself, eating 5 watermelons LOL, etc. 

So, even though I'm still feeling really...out of place and worried about my life right now, I might as well use this 'limbo' time in my wonderful 20's and live my life. How I'm going to do that, I'm still unsure. But I'm definitely going to find some time, or make some time to go travelling, maybe even by myself, maybe a different city every weekend. (First, let's save up some money). And learn to have fun and be a reckless, silly, mistake making, irresponsible 20 something year old. 

Righhhhht after I finish my 8 exams that I have in a week's time...HAHAH
So I'll see ya on the flip side guys :)



  1. You PERFECTLY described what I'm currently feeling... I just turned 21 a couple of days ago and I feel more lost than ever. Coming September I'm going into my last year at uni and I really can't see beyond what I'm going to do after graduating. I'm more anxious than excited to graduate and I've been like this for a couple of months now. I guess many people in their 20s might feel the same way and maybe the uncertainty of the future is what drives us to after and chase after our dreams. No matter where we are in our stage of life, it's nice to know that I'm not alone :) Best of luck, Jenny!

    -Lucy (lucy♡ from YouTube)

    1. Hi Lucy

      This actually just made my day ! It's always great to know you've got people with you, whether you're in the deep end of something sucky or sharing something wonderful.
      But graduating not knowing what the heck to do with your life seems to be the norm these days haha. A lot of my friends graduated and went on to do masters, others never graduated and some are still in a course they're unsure about.
      I reckon you should just spend this time looking for something that you actually enjoy and have a passion for !! Don't stress out too much about finding a graduate position straight away. Maybe you need a break after all that uni ! haha

      Anyway, I'm super jealous we're the same age and you're graduating and I still have 3 more years to go hahah, enjoy it sista !!
      And what's your youtube !!! Imma go check it out


    2. Jenny, thanks for the reply!

      Wow, it must be different having friend in all walks of life, they can definitely offer some valuable insight! That's great advice, I'll keep it in mind :) Thing is, sometimes the things I'm passionate about might not be what I'm good at or it's hard to find out how to put my passion and interests into a certain career. Also, I don't know if I want to make a hobby I love or something like that into work since if it becomes work, I might grow to dislike it. Yeah I definitely need a break haha! I really want to travel after graduating :)

      The 3 years will pass by in a blur, enjoy it! I wish I could go back to first year again... You're doing something you're passionate about and working towards your goals, which I'm so envious about. The busy and tiring days will pass :)

      My youtube is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3PYZbTtH4RLtRVELvEpfog but I don't have anything on it haha :P

      Best wishes,

    3. Ooop sorry this took me awhile I completely missed it in my inbox !!

      That's actually the crazy thing about life. What you're naturally good at, may not even be something you like doing, and what you actually have a passion for, you might have no idea how to do, but because of that passion it gives us the driving force to strive and keep at it ! Yeah there's that saying that's like don't make your hobby your work or you might grow to dislike it. But then again passions and hobbies are different, for example, a hobby of mine is singing, but I wouldn't want to become a singer, I want to do acting, but I wouldn't necessarily say that my hobby is to act in my spare time and study it what not cos I love it so much, I just have a passion for it. Does that make sense ? HAHAHA

      Ahh yeah that's what everyone says, uni goes my in a blur HAHA i hope so !!
      Aw thank you thank you

      Oh ahahah, upload something girl ! :D


    4. No worries, you're a busy girl :p saw your Instagram post about filming at work, looking gorg!

      I've never thought about it that way! I have an interest in quite a few things but I guess I'll have to find out something I'm truly passionate about or learn how to make those interests sustainable as a career. And what you said totally makes sense-there is definitely a difference between a hobby and passion. Some people take a long time to find out something that they can see themselves doing for the rest of their lives, some people just find out accidentally and some find out early on. It sounds like you have your goals set on acting? No doubt you can do it!!

      Yes yes it does, if I could go back to first year I would! Even if it means going through the pain of studying and exams again hahah

      Congrats on finishing exams btw!


    5. Oh and I'll upload something... one day LOL
      When I have content to make videos about hehe
