5 June 2016

My First Apartment


Keep reading down below !

My first apartment. All for me. All paid for by me. Wow. I'm such an adult !

So this above abode is the first time I've lived alone. Previously I lived with 2 roommates and in a dorm, but I'm quite a private person and I enjoy being alone, so constantly having people around was not fun. Also, I'm a clean/neat freak, and I need everything organised nicely and my way, and people are just messy hahaha can't deal.

I've talked about how I found this apartment and why I wanted to move out in my youtube video, so I thought I'd talk about the realisations and epiphanies I had during this troublesome time HAHA.

The pro's

  • Going out and coming back home whenever I want to, and not getting a lecture from parents on how I could've been killed
  • Decorating it however I want to and bringing my own style into it
  • Pushing my independence and always challenging myself with new tasks
  • Becoming so much more organised and clean (those dishes aren't going to wash themselves !!
  • Walking around naked. Yolo.
  • Having friends over at MY house, asking them to come over for dinner (so adult wow)
The con's

  • Running out of food and water. Tap water in Shanghai is undrinkable so when I ran out of water and kept forgetting to buy more, I literally drank coconut water and almond milk for 4 days because that's all I had.
  • Coming home to no home cooked dinner already cooked. The amount of times I've had a packet of chips and 2 bananas for dinner because I can't be bothered
  • EATING. TOO. MUCH. TAKEOUT. and nobody telling you to eat healthier and more vegetables
  • SPIDERS. AND COCKROACHES. THOSE BUGGERS. Can't call your dad anymore to come and get rid of them !!!
  • When things break. In my short tenure, I dealt with, broken washing machine, leaking gas, leaking water, roof leaking water, blocked toilet, blocked sink, broken water heater
  • Having to fix things when they break. Calling up the handyman and waiting at home for 4 hours for them to come 
  • PAYING THE RENT. No matter how organised you think you are with your savings and money, you will NEVER be ready for the landlord. I haven't saved any money since I moved out. Living that dollar to dollar life yo.
  • Alone. I got into a argument with a drunk neighbour, and he kept banging on my door and it was horrible and I was too scared to leave my apartment and had to call the cops to come and everything. It was horrid.
But in all honesty, I'm so so happy with myself that I moved out and am so proud I have managed to stay alive so far. And that I am a full functioning adult that pays for my own survival ! hahaha

Here's the video on my Youtube channel

Good luck to all you independent half grown ups out there who are thinking of moving out, and cheers to the rest of us who have done the deed and are surviving on 2 min noodles and booking our own doctor's appointments !


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Congratulations on moving into your new place! Great job decorating, it looks fantastic

  3. Well done on your first apartment, must be so nice to finally have your own space. There will always be some negatives to living alone but I think they will be overshadowed by the positive. Having friends over, and doing the dinner thing is also so neat. Being independent is always so nice, and I absolutely loved the feeling myself!

    Ronnie Hogan @ Sycamore Terrace Temecula

    1. hi ronnie ! thanks so much
      haha yes theres always good on bad and being independent is always a struggle
      i feel so grown up whenever i have friends over haha
      have a lovely week !

  4. Very nice and well decorated apartment. Check Aventura Real Estate

  5. The pictures in this post are truly beautiful and they really showcase how you see your apartment. Moving into your own apartment for the first time is scary but also so exciting because everything in it is all yours. This is a fleeting time in your life, so be sure to enjoy it.

    1. ahhh thank you so much for this lovely comment !
      i'm already onto my second apartment, so getting the hang of it now hahah
