3 June 2014


"Drink the rainbow"
Green: Kale, Cocobella coconut water, Chobani honey greek yoghurt, Chia Co. chia seeds
Orange: Nectarines, pitted dates, Macro LSA, lechitin, almond milk
Pink: Raspberries, pitted dates, banana, Cocobella coconut water, Macro shredded coconut
"Peachy Keen"
Peaches, raspberries, spinach, Macro LSA, Chia Co. chia seeds, lechitin,
Cocobella coconut water, Macro almond milk, Macro shredded coconut
Breakfast smoothies. They're the ultimate take away, fast (real) food breakfast for all you
 busy bee's or lazy sloths. I am obsessed with making these, not only are they fun to make, look really pretty, but they also taste yummy and makes your bodies all chipper.

For some reason, I just always seem to be in a rush in the mornings. I do not have time for a sit down breakfast (neither does mum), so we usually down a jar each of these in the car. They keep us both full and alert until lunch/morning snack time. Personally for me, these gave me a lot more energy, I used to always get sugar crashes from eating cereal or pastries in the morning which has a lot of refined sugar in it, or I'd start getting hungry about an hour later. Furthermore, not sure if it's just a coincidence, but it's also made my skin really happy as well, as I am hardly getting any breakouts.

I literally just scavenge the fridge and fruit basket for whatever I can find and vrooom it all together in my blender. A few recurring items in my smoothies are:

Kale or spinach
Fantastic cheeky way of getting your greens in as you literally can't taste it at all !
Kale: Low calorie, high in fibre, ZERO fat (how awesome), contains more iron than beef, anti-inflammatory food, great detox food (keeps your liver healthy)
Spinach: Jam packed with antioxidants that help combat many cancers, increases muscle efficiency, vitamin A, C, folate, iron, etc.

Coconut water or almond milk
I usually use Cocobella coconut milk or Macro organic almond milk as a base, and to lighten up the consistency
Coconut water: High concentration in fibre aids with digestion, ridiculously hydrating (so much better for you than those sports and energy drinks), rich in nutrients (5 electrolytes) and reduces blood pressure.
Almond milk: I personally use this cos milk gives me tummy aches but, this also helps with weight management, still offers enough calcium to provide 30% of the daily amount, contains 50% of the daily dosage of vitamin E, making your skin glooow ! 

Added to thicken up the consistency and they also...make your bodies sing !
As Kayla Itsines (such an inspiration, check out her instagram @kayla_itisnes) says: Bananas are the only fruit that contain the amino acid tryptophan and vitamin B6 which in combination help the body to produce serotonin. Serotonin is a naturally produced hormone in the body that helps to alleviate mental stress. Also a great source potassium, healthy carbohydrates and therefore energy. 
Now that is definitely something to sing about !
Chia seeds
A great source of healthy omega-3 fats (important for brain health), this little seed also contains phosphorus 
(tissue growth and repair) , calcium (strong teeth and bones), manganese (helps your body use other essential nutrients) and of course, protein.
A mixture of linseed, sunflower seeds and almonds, LSA acts to cleanse and detox the liver; a very important organ in the body. Also providing the goods on protein, fibre, magnesium, potassium, zinc, vitamin D, B1, B2, B5, etc....
Lechitin granules
Made from soybeans, this is another one of nature's miracle foods. These little beauties fight memory loss (secret ingredient Chloline), promotes heart health, contains no cholesterol.
Now I put this in for my mum, but if you're all about prevention, this is pretty good too !

Aaaaand yoghurt
See here for Melissa's latest post on the benefits of her Chobani yoghurt haul :)

Thank you sooo much for reading you little gems !
Hope this gives you some ideas on how to create your own super yummy, super good for you, super fun smoothie.


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