10 June 2014

Concrete Jungle

Wearing: H&M top, Topshop skirt, Tony Bianco boots
I just can't seem to keep away from this skirt ! 
I sort of feel like a zebra in the amazon because of the almost tribe-like pattern of the skirt and the cool green colour scheme...but I love it.

I just wrapped a long sleeve black shirt around my waist (for a lack of a black shirt), as Shanghai's weather has been SUPER unpredictable lately and I thought it gave it a bit more depth.

 I wore this for a lunch date with my roommate to my FAVOURITE café in Shanghai, "Green & Safe" they serve all organic food, it's a dream.
(The shirt will also help to hide that food baby I'll get from lunch later on as well hehe)

ps, sorry for my terrible regrowth and unbrushed hair HAHA


Peace out, stay chilled, exams will be over soon ! 

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