28 May 2014

Melissa Akarsu

@melissaakarsu_ on instagram

                                                Hi everyone! I'm the other half of this blog, Melissa Akarsu .


 Like Jenny, I am also from Melbourne, Australia. This may come as a shock to you but no, I am not Japanese. My mum is originally from Guangzhou in China and my dad is from.... wait for it... TURKEY!  I am able to speak English, Mandarin and Cantonese but unfortunately my Turkish vocabulary only goes as far as monkey (maymun). I am currently a second year science student at the University of Melbourne and a part time dental assistant. I'm not particularly interested in dentistry; I’m just doing it for the moolah HAHA.


As you can see from the photos above I used to be quite chubby. I was weighing 59.9kgs at 158cms (shorter than Jenny, sigh) and most of the weight was fat. I ate an enormous amount of junk food and barely exercised. It got even worse when Uni started. Since I was new to the Uni life, I would eat out every night then come home and eat dinner again. My exercise was running to the bus stop 30 meters away from my house every morning because I would literally sleep until the bus was 15 minutes away. I even had the name pet sloth because I was so lazy (LOL my life). I was never really happy with my body but I was too lazy to do anything about it. Then last year in August I finally had enough and impulsively joined a local gym. I’ve made many impulsive decisions in my life which I have regretted, but this was honestly by far the best decision I had ever made. I started changing my life around after that. My gym literally became my second home as I was there 4-5 times a week, 2 hours each session.  I also had a strict diet with the occasional treats (I shall make a post about counting your macros in the near future ;)). Although I had wanted to stop gymming so many times, I began seeing results and it gave me more motivation to continue. Of course the $80 gym fee out of my bank every month motivated me a lot too HAHA. I am currently weighing 49.8kgs which is a weight loss of over 10kgs, but weight does not determine how fit or healthy you are. My goal is to reduce my fat percentage as much as possible (not to the point where I have no boobs at all tho) and gain muscle to create a toned look. I wouldn’t mind being 55kgs as long as I wasn’t storing fat on me! I am not where I want to be at the moment but each day I’m taking one step closer. I will be posting work outs, motivation, food recipes and fitness tips on this page to share with you how I did/am doing it. Also feel free to contact me anytime! I had much support and guidance from so many people so I would be glad to help you and join you on your journey to a healthier and happier life!
Hope I didn’t bore you with my life story HAHA.
Come and get ‘the 241’
Melissa xx

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